Ambassador Clément Chartier engages in several meetings at the GA

October 21, 2022

Ambassador Chartier met with OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro on October 5.

On October 5, MMF Ambassador and ACIP President Clément Chartier met with several other OAS participants. In the morning, Ambassador Chartier met with OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro and discussed their ongoing relationship since their first meeting in June 2018.

In particular, Ambassador Chartier had an opportunity to thank the Secretary General for his active participation in three virtual summits with ACIP in 2021 and 2022 and gave him a briefing on the II Indigenous Leaders of the Americas meeting held the previous day. Chartier explained that one of the major topics of discussion was how Indigenous peoples and nations can be better represented within the OAS and that inclusion was a major factor, particularly in light of the U.S. government not providing space for Indigenous peoples at the Summit of the Americas held in June of this year in Los Angeles, California.

In connection with ACIP, Ambassador Chartier explained that the organization has been seeking financing for the past seven years but thus far has been unsuccessful. The Secretary General stated that he would be prepared to assist in this effort where possible and remains open to a dialogue with ACIP.

Ambassador Chartier also met with the Hon. Mélanie Joly, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Later that day, Ambassador Chartier met with the Hon. Mélanie Joly, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs and discussed the need for an organization such as ACIP which would enable the Indigenous peoples of the Americas to have a collective voice when dealing with the OAS and other international institutions. He also presented the Minister with the funding proposal first presented to Canada in 2017 and re-submitted in 2021.

While not making any commitments with respect to the funding application, Minister Joly stated that she would speak with Minister Marc Miller of Crown - Indigenous Relations who, in a recent letter from Prime Minister Trudeau to Chartier, was identified as the lead minister on this funding request.

Earlier in the day, Ambassador Chartier had an opportunity to meet Ambassador Hugh Adsett, Canada's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the OAS, whom he had met virtually on two previous occasions.


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