Minister: David Beaudin

The Manitoba Métis Federation's (MMF) Agriculture Portfolio is housed within the MMF's Energy, Infrastructure and Resource Management (EIRM) Department. The Agriculture Portfolio began its revitalization in 2020 and has flourished since the appointment of the Minister of Agriculture, David Beaudin, in spring 2021, and further with the additions of an Agriculture Coordinator, OFCAF Coordinator, Food Security Coordinator, and an Agricultural Specialist.

The 2022-2023 fiscal year achieved significant progress towards the expansion of the Agriculture Portfolio by prioritizing core development centered on:

  • Programming for Métis agricultural producers;
  • Support for all Citizens towards achieving Métis food security;
  • Addressing the driving economic and social barriers causing food insecurity;
  • Supporting the sustainable management of lands and waters being threatened by a changing climate;
  • Successfully received funding to expand capacity and support Red River Métis Citizens;
  • Expanded technical staff to assist with portfolio initiatives; and
  • Continuing to expand database of Red River Métis agricultural producers.

Red River Métis On-Farm Climate Action Program

The Manitoba Métis Federation secured funding through the Agricultural Climate Solutions: On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF), administered by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Our program provides Red River Métis agricultural producers across the national homeland with funding of up to $75,000 per farm to implement eligible on-farm best management practices (BMP's). Eligible BMP's focus on three categories: nitrogen management, cover cropping, and rotational grazing.

Through 2023, approximately $5.9 million in funding was distributed directly to over 80 Red River Métis agricultural producers for the implementation of eligible BMPs on their farms. Site visits with OFCAF recipients occurred throughout the summer of 2023, and staff continue to provide support and monitoring on the progress of activities.

The MMF looks forward to continued delivery of the OFCAF program in 2024. More information can be found HERE.

Food Security Initiative

Your Métis Government has committed to establishing a network of food security greenhouses, community gardens and edible forests across the National Homeland to help tackle food insecurity - a direct impact of climate change. In other words, providing fresh and healthy produce to Métis Citizens. The greenhouses, community gardens and edible forests will flourish a variety of traditional fruit, vegetables, and herbs for the unrepresented, Red River Métis Nation. The Initiative will also focus on traditional practices, knowledge and education to youth creating an intergenerational learning experience. This will include various workshops, events, markets and more to create community inclusion and involvement for generations to come.

In 2023, greenhouses have been constructed and produce is growing in the greenhouses for harvest in 2024.

For questions regarding the food security greenhouses please contact

At-Home Garden Project

The Manitoba Métis Federation will provide garden boxes to Red River Métis Citizens through the new initiative, the At-Home Garden Project. The project will assist in further tackling food insecurity across the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

If you are interested in applying, please contact technical staff at or please fill out the application below.


Since May 2020, the MMF's Energy, Infrastructure, and Resource Management Department has partnered with Iron Head Bison Ranch to provide professional care for the MMF owned bison herd. Iron Head Bison Ranch is a 100% Métis owned business located near Richer, MB.

The MMF bison herd consists of 20 bison, including 11 cows(female), and 9 calves. Newborn Calves born in 2024 will continue to grow the size of our herd.

The MMF continues to look at ways to utilize our herd for educational, traditional food distribution to Elders and Citizens in-need, economic, and for research opportunities.

Bison Meat

In February 2022, The MMF's EIRM Department received funding through the 2021 Second Harvest Emergency Food Security Fund. Funds were utilized to purchase bison meat exclusively from Métis bison ranchers and resulted in each MMF Region being provided with 425 lbs of bison ground meat for distribution by the region to Elders and Citizens in-need. A total of 3000 lbs of bison meat was made available.

In 2023, The MMF's EIRM Department received funding through the Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund, and a total of 3,000 lbs of bison ground meat was again purchased from Métis bison ranchers and distributed equitably to Métis Elders and Citizens in-need throughout each MMF Region.

Agricultural Crown Lands

Red River Métis farmers and ranchers have a long history of utilizing crown lands to support their families and local communities. Farming and ranching represent both a modern livelihood and a traditional economic foundation of the Red River Métis, and it continues to remain under significant stress.

Previous amendments to the Agricultural Crown Lands Leases and Permits Regulation, and the Crown Lands Dispositions Act, continue to cause severe hardship for many Métis Crown Lands Lease holders. As a result, the MMF continues to connect with our Métis farmers and ranchers to address the impacts associated with the amendments to the Crown land leasing program.

Riel House Garden

Beginning in 2021, EIRM took on the responsibility of managing the Riel House vegetable garden in partnership with Parks Canada. The EIRM Department employs Red River Métis Youth in the summertime to care for the garden, which focuses on planting dozens of heirloom varieties, maintaining, and harvesting of the produce to then distribute among Citizens in-need.

In 2022, over 1000 pounds of fresh garden produce was distributed to Elders and Citizens in-need. In 2023, Métis youth were employed to care for the garden, and distributed over 780 pounds of produce to Elders and Citizens in-need. The 2024 growing season will again provide an opportunity for the garden to support Red River Métis education and employment, while addressing food security.

Farmers for Climate Solutions

The MMF has established a new partnership with Farmers for Climate Solutions (FCS); a national farmer-led coalition advocating to make agriculture part of the solution to climate change. FCS is funding the MMF as an Implementing Partner to support Red River Métis agricultural training and mentorship. The MMF is currently planning an online workshop and interactive on-farm demonstration tours.

Red River Métis Citizens who are interested in learning more, or who wish to participate, please contact

Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, on Bill C-235


Summer Students

For questions concerning the Agriculture Portfolio, please contact

B300-150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0J7

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