On June 3rd and 4th, 2023, Red River Métis Citizens are gathering to vote on ratification of the Red River Métis Self-Government Recognition and Implementation Treaty at an Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA).

This Modern-Day Treaty is the single most important decision the Métis have made since the Red River Resistance formed the Métis Provisional Government in 1869. Since its inception, the MMF has been fighting for recognition of the Red River Métis. Throughout our government's history, Assemblies have directed leadership to work towards enshrining that recognition in the Canadian Constitution.

We have always known who we are. We are the Red River Métis. Despite many attempts to tear us down, we have always been the strong, self-governed Indigenous nation that facilitated Manitoba's entry into Confederation. Our forefathers demonstrated the strength of our democracy to Canada in the Manitoba Act of 1870, when Louis Riel and the Provisional Government negotiated to create Manitoba; and for our Métis rights.

After 153 years of Canada neglecting these rights and us as a People, we are once again asserting the strength of our democracy by gathering together at this Extraordinary General Assembly to ratify the Treaty. It will cement our identity and our government in the Canadian Constitution.

Until now, Canada has not fully recognized our right to self-govern. This Treaty recognizes this right and provides a mechanism requiring Canada to come to the negotiating table with the Manitoba Métis Federation on behalf of the Red River Métis to define how our government will address the issues that confront our Nation.

Since February, we have been consulting our Citizens in every region, throughout the Homeland, and beyond. The Treaty has received overwhelming support and our Citizens had the opportunity to ask questions and provide meaningful feedback, which was then brought back to the negotiating table with Canada.

Red River Métis governance has always relied on democratic, collective decision-making in Assembly. Cabinet has authorized an Extraordinary General Assembly as provided in our Constitution as the means avail to our governance to ratify this treaty.

Every Citizen has an equal opportunity to be part of this historic event. Citizens can participate by casting their vote at the EGA main site, one of the regional satellite locations, in a Beyond Borders location, or virtually via Zoom.

Every step has been taken to accommodate citizens by making participation accessible and comfortable. Below you will find Registration information and forms, and critical documents that will be considered at the Assembly.

If you have any further questions, please see our FAQ below or contact us at treaty@mmf.mb.ca or call us at 204-586-8474 Ext. 2678.

Your participation at this Assembly will show everyone our historic Red River Métis strength and pride, both as individuals and as a nation. United, let's make proud those that have come before us, and those that will come after us as we make history together.

Believe in yourself - Believe in Métis.

A Message from The President

EGA Resolution - Treaty Ratificiation

Open PDF

EGA Resolution - Continuation

Open PDF

Articles of Continuance

Open PDF

MMF Constitution

Open PDF

EGA Resolution - Constitutional Amendment

Open PDF

EGA Resolution - Finance and Administration Act

Open PDF

EGA - Treaty Plain Language Backgrounder

Open PDF

Letter to MMF Citizens from Al Benoit - Chief of Staff

Open PDF

Notice of Extraordinary General Assembly - English

Open PDF

Notice of Extraordinary General Assembly - French

Open PDF

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