Post-Secondary Education

The Manitoba Métis Federation and the Government of Canada signed the Canada-Métis Nation Accord, through which the MMF is investing $90 million over the next ten years in support of Métis post-secondary education in Manitoba. They are striving to close the post-secondary education (PSE) attainment gaps between Métis students and the non-Indigenous Canadians through multi-level delivery of a wide range of supports. This plan, will contribute to the success of students and contribute to the broader strategic outcomes of self-government and self-determination. This multi-layered approach of providing supports aid in the delivery of programs, strengthening education, social and economic outcomes and contribute to life-long learning for Métis students.

Post-Secondary Education Financial Support System (PSESP)

The Provincial Education launced the third PSESP online application in July 2021. A PSESP Selection Review Sub-Committee and Appeals Sub-Committee have been put in place for application approvals. In 2019/2020 we were pleased to report that 671 students completed their applications online. Within three d ays of launching approximately 300 students had completed their application online. Students who are approved for funding must complete the Métis 101 online course before funds are released.

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