Parenting Programs

Little Métis Literacy

Age: 3-5 years

Little Métis Literacy is a free interactive caregiver child program, geared to enrich both children and their caregivers. During the eight-week program your child will engage in activities that include stories, Michif songs, finger plays, rhymes, and crafts. The caregiver-only part of the program offers a connection to Métis culture through Elder teaching, beading, finger weaving, and jigging. Through weekly lessons, the program facilitator will model different ways that caregivers can make a literacy-rich environment for their children.

Nobody's Perfect Parenting

Age: 0-5 years

A parenting program that helps parents recognize their strengths and to find positive ways to raise healthy, happy children. The program offers opportunities to share questions and concerns regarding being a parent, learn about child development, and safety, talk about real life parenting, experiences, work togehter with the support of a trained facilitator, discover different approaches to positive parenting while meeting other parents of young children.

Super Dad's Super Kids

Age: 2-6 years

A free activity based fathering program.SDSK takes the position that when Dads and kids are put together good things happen! SDSK promotes responsible father involvement, which means more than just having a male resence in the famiy. Responsible father involvement speak to a man who chooses to show his child closeness, share his ideas in parenting, be part of making decisions, attend activities, show warmth and interaction, use his humour graciously, model purposeful problem solving, and take part in rough and tumble play. When a father makes the conscious effort to deepen his relationship with his children, lots of amazing moments happen.

Summer Métis Mobile

Age: 3-6 years

Enjoy free outdoor Métis activities for children ages 3-6 in your community. Supervised child care is not provided. Please ensure that a guardian is present.

Stay Play & Bead

Age: 0-5 years

Bead and connect with other parents and guardians throughout our 8 week beading program. Enjoy creating a variety of beading projects while your children aged 0-5 engage in Red River Métis music, songs, and stories.

B300-150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0J7

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